resin gun barrels for Shinano (JSC...
16 gun barrels made out of grey resin. The barrels might need some minor cleaning and have to be painted.
16 gun barrels made out of grey resin. The barrels might need some minor cleaning and have to be painted.
scale 1:400
decks supports, davits, anchors etc.
paper model
scale 1:400
Schwedisch Zerstörer HALLAND, Torpedoboot PLEJAD
8 gun barrels made out of grey resin. The barrels might need some minor cleaning and have to be painted.
paper model
scale 1:25
manufacturer Orlik
kit size A4
scale 1:400
doors, ladders, davits, anchors etc.
6 gun barrels made out of grey resin. The barrels might need some minor cleaning and have to be painted.
scale 1:400
doors, ladders, gun details, floats, anchors etc.
paper model
scale 1:400
US Zerstörer WARD und Flußboot Catalina, Japanisch U-booten I-16 und Ha-19
Models of ships involved in first shots in Pearl Harbor.
27 gun barrels made out of grey resin. The barrels might need some minor cleaning and have to be painted.
scale 1:400
Lasercut-Spantensatz für Schiff QUEEN ELIZABETH