reels - deck cargo (JSC 307)
paper model
scale 1:250
6 reels / cable drums - to be used as a deck cargo or in diorama. Can be used on modern merchant ships in 1:250 scale.
paper model
scale 1:250
6 reels / cable drums - to be used as a deck cargo or in diorama. Can be used on modern merchant ships in 1:250 scale.
paper model
scale 1:250
Modern ship designed to carry oversize cargo.
The model can be built with deck cargo. The kit contains lasercut waterline and decks. There are lots of additional detail parts.
paper model
scale 1:250
The ship was built in 2003. She is built for moving timber and paper out of Finnish Lake Saimaa to Western Europe. Her small dimensions allow to navigate in narrow Saimaa Canal.
The model can be built in very easy version, or with lots of extra details. There are railings printed both sides in the model.
paper model
scale 1:250
Simplified model of a sailing ship. There is no need to make rigging from scratch because rigging is ready to use, printed on a film.
paper model
scale 1:250
Schottisches Fischereischutzboot HIRTA
paper model
scale 1:250
Model with underwater body. Chevron Nederland is a classic tanker with bridge house in midship. Built in beginning of 60-ties, XX century was one of the biggest ship of her times.
paper model
scale 1:250
Holländisches Frachter LADY CLARISSA
Booklet includes quay, harbour crane and three sets of cargo: containers, wind turbines propeller blades and tower parts.
paper model
scale 1:250
Polnisches Tankschiff EKO-SERWIS-1 MKL
The ship was built for supplying new-built ships in shipyard in Szczecin. Now the "Eko-Serwis-1" is used for collecting used lubrificants and oils out of ships.
paper model
scale 1:250
Britisch Bojentender GALATEA
paper model
scale 1:250
Polnischer Erzfrachter SOŁDEK
paper model
scale 1:250
Deutsches Katapultschiff FALKE oder BUSSARD