British rapid intervention vessel...
paper model
scale 1:100
Britisch Interventionschiff ALERT
PLN 25.40
paper model
scale 1:100
Britisch Interventionschiff ALERT
paper model
scale 1:250
Schlachtschiff S.M.S. KÖNIG
paper model
scale 1:400
Polnischer Marine: GRYF, WICHER, JASKÓŁKA
Three veterans of defence of Polish coast of Baltic Sea in September 1939. All were sunk by Germans.
paper model
scale 1:72
Panzerkampfwagen CROMWELL VII oder CHALLENGER, Spähwagen Daimler DINGO, Lastwagen Dodge WC-51
paper model
scale 1:200
Polnischer Passagierschiff GDAŃSK
Built in 1927. Travelled mostly on Gdańsk Bay. Sunk on 2 September 1939 by German aircraft. Used to block Gdynia harbour entrance in 1945.
paper model
scale 1:400
Küstenbatterien 40,6 cm Schleswig-Holstein und Lindemann