Sugar carriers MERINGA & SUGAR...
paper model
scale 1:400
Two models in one set. Laser-cut hull construction included.
paper model
scale 1:400
Two models in one set. Laser-cut hull construction included.
scale 1:400
boat deck supports, ventilator cowls, davits, parts of winches, anchors, etc.
paper model
scale 1:400
Britisches Passagierschiff CARPATHIA
The ship saved 705 survivors of the Titanic disaster.
scale 1:400
ventilator cowls, parts of winches, boat supports, anchors, device for gluing ratlines to shrouds
paper model
scale 1:400
Britisches Passagierschiff CARONIA
The first built-to-purpose cruise ship.
Brytyjski transatlantyk QUEEN ELIZABETH
Britisches Passagierschiff QUEEN ELIZABETH
The biggest transatlantic liner ever built.
scale 1:400
Detaillierungs-Satz für Schiff QUEEN ELIZABETH
doors, ladders, davits, anchors etc.
scale 1:400
Lasercut-Spantensatz für Schiff QUEEN ELIZABETH
paper model
scale 1:400
Italienisches Passagierschiff ANDREA DORIA & Schwedisches Passagierschiff STOCKHOLM
Two ships which took part in one of most famous collisions in maritime history.
scale 1:400
Detaillierungs-Satz für ANDREA DORIA & STOCKHOLM
doors, ladders, davits, winch parts etc.