Dutch multi-purpose vessel LADY...
paper model
scale 1:250
Holländisches Frachter LADY CLARISSA
Booklet includes quay, harbour crane and three sets of cargo: containers, wind turbines propeller blades and tower parts.
paper model
scale 1:250
Holländisches Frachter LADY CLARISSA
Booklet includes quay, harbour crane and three sets of cargo: containers, wind turbines propeller blades and tower parts.
scale 1:400
the set contains supports for pipelines
paper model
scale 1:24
Jagdeinsitzer P-47D THUNDERBOLT (Pilot Francis Gabreski)
paper model
scale 1:250
Britisches Schlachtschiff DREADNOUGHT
paper model
scale 1:250
Schlachtschiff S.M.S. KÖNIG
paper model
scale 1:400
Geleitzerstörer VANITY, Uboot U505
paper model
scale 1:400
Model presents the ship in 1943 livery, when she took a part of North Cape Battle. The battle ended with sinking of German battleship Scharnhorst.
scale 1:400
36 ventilator cowls made out of white, semi-transparent resin. The cowls might need some minor cleaning and have to be painted.
scale 1:400
Lasercut-Spantensatz für Schiff QUEEN ELIZABETH