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Dutch multi-purpose vessel LADY...
paper model
scale 1:250
Holländisches Frachter LADY CLARISSA
Booklet includes quay, harbour crane and three sets of cargo: containers, wind turbines propeller blades and tower parts.
lasercut pipeline supports for tanker...
scale 1:400
the set contains supports for pipelines
lasercut parts for rapid intervention...
scale 1:100
Detaillierungs-Satz für Interventionschiff ALERT
railings, ventilation grills and covers, etc.
lasercut parts for fishery protection...
scale 1:250
Detaillierungs-Satz für Fischereischutzboot HIRTA
all railings, ladderways, davits, etc.
Swedish tanker ZELOS or Polish ZAWRAT...
paper model
scale 1:400
Schwedischer Tanker ZELOS oder polnischer ZAWRAT
Tzarist cruiser ASKOLD, monitor...
paper model
scale 1:400
Russischer Kreuzer ASKOLD, Monitor NOVGOROD
resin gun barrels for Ajax/Achilles...
16 gun barrels made out of grey resin. The barrels might need some minor cleaning and have to be painted.
resin ventilator cowls for TOBRUK &...
scale 1:400
36 ventilator cowls made out of white, semi-transparent resin. The cowls might need some minor cleaning and have to be painted.
lasercut framework for QUEEN...
scale 1:400
Lasercut-Spantensatz für Schiff QUEEN ELIZABETH