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German pocket battleship ADMIRAL GRAF...
paper model
scale 1:400
Deutscher Kreuzer ADMIRAL GRAF SPEE, Artilleriefährprahm AF 85
Admiral Graf Spee pocket battleship is well known because of her cruise against Allied merchants and supply lines. She took part in one of famous naval battles of II World War, Battle of the River Plate, where she was defeated by British cruisers.
British transatlantic liner CARPATHIA...
paper model
scale 1:400
Britisches Passagierschiff CARPATHIA
The ship saved 705 survivors of the Titanic disaster.
German heavy cruiser ADMIRAL SCHEER...
paper model
scale 1:400
Admiral Scheer is well known because of her cruise against Allied merchants and supply lines. She took part in attack on HX 84 convoy when she sank auxillary cruiser HMS Jervis Bay.
British ships: ATLANTIC CONVEYOR and...
paper model
scale 1:400
Both ships were lost during the Falklands War in 1982 as a result of the Argentine air force.
US escort aircraft carrier CARD (JSC...
paper model
scale 1:400
USS Card had sunk 8 German U-boats during July-November 1943 period.
resin gun barrels for Admiral Graf...
20 gun barrels made out of grey resin. The barrels might need some minor cleaning and have to be painted.
How to use gunbarrels Youtube
German heavy cruiser ADMIRAL HIPPER...
paper model
scale 1:400
Deutscher Kreuzer ADMIRAL HIPPER oder BLÜCHER