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paper model
scale 1:400
Model presents the ship in 1943 livery, when she took a part of North Cape Battle. The battle ended with sinking of German battleship Scharnhorst.
Cat. no. (numer katalogowy): JSC 095
Scale (skala): 1:400
Sheets (arkusze): 8 x A4
State (stan z roku): 1943
Length (długość): 467 mm (18.4 in.)
Parts (liczba części): 987/1058
Difficulty (stopień trudności):
Additional info (dodatkowe informacje): 2 x Supermarine Walrus
Set up instruction (instrukcja sklejania):
model build tutorial video Youtube
Elastic thread, diameter 0,08 mm, length 20 m / 22 yd
scale 1:400
Anchor chains laser cut in grey card.
Round rod made out of white styrene. Diameter 0,5 mm / 0.02”, length 325 mm / 12.8”
Round rod made out of white styrene. Diameter 0,75 mm / 0.03”, length 325 mm / 12.8”
Round rod made out of white styrene. Diameter 1,0 mm / 0.04”, length 325 mm / 12.8”
20 gun barrels made out of grey resin. The barrels might need some minor cleaning and have to be painted.
scale 1:400
latticeworks, parts of life boats, floats, ladders, anchors etc.